Supercharge Your Marketing Strategy with Predictive Analytics


Forecasts- Isn't this a natural activity of the human brain about a future event?

Yes! And it is often a tax on experience or knowledge. Coming to predictive analytics, this is a branch of advanced analytics that is used to help predict different future events with different historical data.

Prediction is not the only thing that makes up your mind. It's the core work of the New Cortex and the basis of intelligence - Jeff Hawkins

As a marketer, if we think about it, the number one thing we look for as a business, most of all?

Everyone is looking for a pipeline, we're looking for revenue, and businesses to grow. Now, close your eyes and imagine a world where your data will find your next customer with an accuracy rate of 86%. Imagine a world where you know your customers' needs, where to find them? What interest do they have, is their pain a heart point? What competitive product would he be researching? And let's say you can enter that sales cycle quickly, and you can expand your business. Good stuff! right?

This is the world we live in! And why is this available to us today? Why We Can Do The Basic Things We Couldn't Do 5-10 years ago.

Indeed, we all know that today we are living in this incredible digital world, where we have the technology and the data, that we can get answers to any question in seconds. With the capability of developing a predictive analytics capability, we are able to predict future events, providing real-time insights into customers and processes. It integrates data mining, statistics, modeling, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to process and analyze different data sets to determine different processes.

According to Forrester, a survey, about 87% of B2B market leaders see predictive analytics as a critical part of their marketing stack. Most of them have either already implemented the technology or are planning to do so within a year, with the aim of increasing their market share and revenue.

"The purpose is to convert information and information into information." Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP

How should analytics be used to improve marketing and operations?

2015 is reliably calculated as the year of data-driven marketing. By adopting predictive analytics technology, the market sees great potential to improve its projections, increase lead quality and build sales pipelines over the years. For now

 Improve your lead score

With the appropriate use of predictive analytics tools, you can easily integrate with your existing customer base to influence your future efforts as a marketer. With the power of predictive analytics, scoring leads are less unscientific and based on your target customer's actual data.

Predictive analytics can quickly make a round based on consumer demographic, behavioral, and psychological data. Based on these scores, it is resolved whether the instructions are 'hot' and should be transferred to the sales team immediately, or if they need more time in the nursery campaign.

Now, B2B companies are entering into the Act. Jill Steinke, a research analyst at SerieDoctions, says, “Nearly 14 times more than-for-profit organizations are using prediction leaders for 2011.

Get your marketing campuses back with data

By applying predictive analytics across organizations, you can improve overall marketing performance with the help of the best data analytics. With the data available, the business can better plan, develop, strategize and execute future marketing campaigns.

Older analytics allow us to predict past performance by helping you advance your marketing campaign with data about a holistic understanding of all market dynamics in your target audience. Another continuing sales fund and higher ROI.

• Improve your subscription by pressing farther

Chat predictions are the process of finding customers who are likely to cancel a service subscription. In order to grow, a trader must exceed the rate of growth rate. With predictive analytics, you can analyze theft warning signs or behavior patterns from existing customer alert signs, and as such, provide required theft prevention services.

• Opportunity to find and sell options

The lady race is expensive. It's much easier and more successful to sell or cross-sell to existing customers than to re-engage a customer with a brand new one.

Amazon has accounted for 35% of its revenue towards cross-selling, both through its "Frequently Bought Together" and "Pelanggan who bought this product" feature.

Marketers can use data to capture customers to identify top and bottom selling opportunities. With a flexible predictive analytics platform, you can understand how different segments work on multiple specific campaigns so that you can create campaigns that have the highest likelihood of success.

Expected analytics will help you understand your current customer's future needs and spend time on appeals or cross-sales campaigns will increase your customers' profits and keep them coming back for more. When done correctly, it will help a customer get more value from their purchase, making their jobs better and their lives easier.

• The general content of providing significant ROI

While marketers are improving in measuring the ROI of their content and strategy efforts, it is still difficult to see how content is used after the marketing automation phase. All too often, the content itself is blamed, but, in fact, the actual offense is a misinterpreted strategy for content distribution. What kind of content works best for certain leads can be answered with predictive analytics. Content marketing has the potential to provide an important ROO for your company.

Discriminating content improves marketing visibility, strategy, and revenue support. This eliminates the dark content creation in the shot and prevents the markets from creating usable, non-useful selling content. It improves marketing efficiency and allows marketers to generate and service sales that facilitate sales communication and exchanges.

The bottom line

Today's users are empowered, connected and have high expectations to engage on their own terms. Predictive analytics tools enable users to extract large volumes of data for predictive learning. Businesses can be aware of their customer's wants and needs. The company may disclose product performance recommendations based on past performance results from Netflixand Amazon (the customer of predictive analytics). Show more tailored ads and send better targeted email campaigns ( based on customer type, to help target customers with relevant offers across all channels, including digital, mobile and social.


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