B2B Lead generation strategies using E-mails & Videos


B2B Lead generation strategies using E-mails & Videos

1. Interviews with specialists and partners

Businesses, especially small businesses, use content as their primary lead generation method. And every time a blog goes over the internet, prospects may be reading it, so it's a proven way to generate leads.

But having a fresh perspective from industry experts makes a big difference. Instead of captivating the audience with just another blog, insights from executive-level industry experts can help drive more website traffic.

2. Video for engagement and embedding forms in video

YouTube is the second most popular search engine and you can use it to your advantage. While blogs and articles are great, video is the most compelling content marketing goal on the Internet and can create multiple options and strategies.

Instead of gating the entire content library, you can create some video guides or info videos from them to attract organic traffic. You can embed an optional lead generation form in these videos.

For example, Zaius has created several videos for the Marketing Unboxed series. This video has a non-essential lead generation form embedded in it. This form is displayed when you hover your cursor over the video. Overall, this is a subtle approach to marketing and still having some serious consequences.

3. Use direct mail

Using direct mail may not make sense for many B2B marketers who rely on email marketing and good landing pages, but small businesses that are working with a particularly small and well-defined target audience. Recommended for. Clear and personalized offers via direct mail can be incredibly effective for small business B2B marketers.

Direct mail is also a viable option for marketers who have run out of email lists or who are using vendor or partner email lists. Email has significant economic advantages over direct mail, but such companies use intensely personalized direct mail as a lead generation strategy after careful scrutiny of the variable costs and success of direct mail. You need to plan that.


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