Predicted Content Marketing Trends


Powerful content formats

There are four types of content:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Picture
  • Written

In each content type, certain formats work well with B2B audiences. Quality content includes a few elements from each format to another to highlight the best aspects of the covered topic by combining visual content with text for a better experience. B2B marketing is most associated with social media content on LinkedIn and Facebook, and blog posts and newsletters are closely monitored.

The video has B2B potential

The next favorite form of content sharing was through personal events, but videos are the best ally on the market. Video marketing is growing rapidly and giving 41 percent of bloggers successful results. Videos allow customers to see a person’s face, giving it a personal touch, they have great return value, it’s highly visual content, and there’s a certain amount of transparency attached to that format because you see it and believe in it.

The webinar is a new conference

To compensate for the setback of canceled or reduced physical conferences and seminars, webinars have become a great way to connect with the public and the network. Although until recently they were eighth on the list of content formats used by B2B companies, they have become the best compensation for personal events. Deck 7 has successfully implemented successful email marketing campaigns that promote webinars for leaders in computing, SaaS, and webcasting platforms to reach audiences globally.

Email newsletters for sharing

Sending the latest or current content in an email newsletter to subscribers is a great way to showcase the different content formats you create for your business. Whether you are a paper book or the latest podcast, your newsletter can get the content you create closest to the customer you are interested in.

After all this, make sure you have a way to contact the webinar attendee or website visitor. If your sales and marketing teams work in parallel, you would come up with a way to get a potential customer’s email address before they leave your website. The ultimate goal is to get your content to influence your outcome, not just get readers and followers.

Predicted content marketing trends

The future of marketing has been drastically impacted by the global health crisis, but it also brings hope for innovation and new ways to use existing platforms to achieve your business goals. Here are the deck 7 forecasts earlier this year.

While much has not changed, delayed adaptation planning and flexibility planning during better days are inevitable. Some of the highlights of the research by Gartner, Forrester, and the Institute of Content Marketing are discussed below.

Invest in videos

41% of B2B marketing populations are curious to include video formats in their 2020 sales and marketing strategies. Online video consumption is set to grow more than ever, predicting people will spend nearly 7% a day watching videos online in 2021, that’s 100 minutes every day dedicated to what I offer.

Offline media takes the back seat

When fewer people travel on a business trip, billboards like line marketing increase less branding. Outdoor advertising is less relevant, while digital displays, which give the brand flexibility, are a popular choice to change communication appropriately. However, it’s a good time to combine offline conversions with web conversions to create an integrated and self-channeling ecosystem for your business.

Marketing technology takes precedence

The strong dependence on marketing automation emerges especially when measuring the effectiveness of messages in different markets. Because manual tasks do not offer the same reliability as before, key communications and updated health protocols are delivered through automation.

Optimize content for voice search

Nearly 50% of future web searches are projected to take place through audio and video, especially after Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant enter the market. With AI software now optimized for different accents, the global popularity of voice search is expected to grow. Keep this in mind when creating content so that your content is customized for voice searches.

Qualitative and quantitative data in KPI

KPIs have changed, and qualitative metrics of engagement, especially on social media like Facebook, can help your business change strategies on the fly and adjust the tone of messages appropriately. Brand communication needs to find a fine balance between sensitivity and optimism, and this can be like walking the rope at first.


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