How Artificial Intelligence is transforming content


One might think that only a human being can create complex high-level projects and campaigns. But, what if a computer created a useful content strategy? Perhaps we are not very far from the reality of automated content achieved through machine learning. Analyzes and analytical predictions generated by automated systems and tools will give AI a large part of the creation process and, in some cases, will easily support content automation. The Associated Press already uses AI to direct new content.

The advantages of AI in content marketing include impressive research, results tracking, microorientation, and predictive analytics. High-trend AI capabilities include converting the financial report into a new style of press release, creating product descriptions based on the manufacturer’s standard copies, correcting content for social media, and translating other types of data collected into simpler texts customized for specific texts. users on a massive scale. As artificial intelligence improves in the content creation process and in custom content editing, it will also help streamline the content moderation process and reduce costs.

For humans, it is not yet clear whether AI will be supportive or competitive. For researchers developing AI knowledge to improve voice knowledge, there seems to be nothing that artificial intelligence is capable of. To facilitate the intelligence of the content, AI can perfect human elements to create creative content, from copywriters to videographers, to weave an AI writer, weave a brand story, evoke the right emotion, and better produce by pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. content.

With these new AI applications, there will be less importance about putting sentences together and more about mastering AI technology so you can learn how to fill out a complex template and how to manipulate its features and options to throw the type of content you want. And, of course, recommend more content through different options to give you more time on what kind of digital experience you want to achieve.

The downside of the content created by AI is the rise of fake news. Facebook has had to take action to address this, and emerging private businesses are developing opportunities to filter out false information. Gartner recently announced that by 2022, "most people in the adult economy will consume more false information than true information." The research firm warns that although AI proves to be effective in generating new information, it is also effective in distorting data, which leads to false information.

Therefore, brands will cut back on their work. As brands increasingly operate as publishers and direct their content through the search engine, content marketing strategies and activities, data verification, and data cleansing will become increasingly important - and will take up more resources. AI has the potential to help automate content writing, but hybrid marketers who specialize in interpreting and clearing your data will be key. Whatever the specific marketing application, your AI tool will need clean and optimized inputs, as well as on-site expert experts, to make sense of the algorithm and more output.


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